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Record results from JYSK

Next year, when JYSK celebrates its 35th anniversary, it will be backed by a record results posting: both sales and profits have increased for the Danish chain, which now has more than 2,100 stores located in 35 countries worldwide.

According to the retail chain's most recent accounting figures, which were released on Wednesday, JYSK made significant improvements in both sales and earnings in 2013.

The chain's 2,100 stores, located across 35 countries, are now approaching a total sales figure of 2,53 billion euro, which represents a 6 percent increase from the same period last year.

The company's earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) have also followed the same pattern, and now stand at 319 million euro. This is an increase of 5.5 percent.

"It's been yet another year of growth. We opened a lot of new stores and hired some 1,000 new colleagues around the world. These days, customers are thinking a lot about how to get the most value for their money, and it's nice to see that so many are choosing our great offers," says JYSK-owner Lars Larsen.

Over the course of the year, JYSK has acquired full control of three former franchise countries – Romania, Bulgaria and Ukraine – which today have a total of 36 stores. The plan is now to open many more JYSK stores in the three countries in the coming years.

Furthermore, JYSK has decided to establish a brand new distribution centre in southern Germany, as well as to significantly expand the company's existing one in Sweden. The combined projects cost over 135 million euro. Today JYSK has seven distribution centers in Europe and one in China.

Even though consumers are generally cautious due to the financial crisis, JYSK expects continued increases in sales and earnings for the 2013/14 accounting year – and expects to open around 120 new stores.

JYSK GROUP, which is the collective name of the 2,100 JYSK/Dänisches Bettenlager stores around the world, is the absolute largest segment of LARS LARSEN GROUP, the umbrella name for all of Lars Larsen's companies.

Included in LARS LARSEN GROUP are IDEmøbler and ILVA, which Lars Larsen purchased this year, as well as Bolia.com and a number of other companies.

The combined turnover of the LARS LARSEN GROUP is currently 2,9 billion euro.


JYSK GROUP has its base in Scandinavia: the first store opened in Denmark in 1979. Today, JYSK GROUP has over 2,100 stores and 18,500 employees in 35 countries. In Germany and Austria, the name is Dänisches Bettenlager – and JYSK in the rest of the world. JYSK GROUP aims to provide everyone with a great offer and has ambitions to be a visible presence across the entire world. Behind JYSK GROUP is the company's founder and owner, Lars Larsen, who is also the owner of the furniture retail chains Bolia.com, IDEmøbler and ILVA – and a number of other companies. Total turnover in LARS LARSEN GROUP is 2,9 billion euro.


Sandra Martinsson

Sandra Martinsson

Presskontakt Kommunikationschef JYSK Sverige 072-249 52 43

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